I can be so
down, frustrated, sour, irritable, grumpy, grouchy. I can be one major league
royal pain in the butt. And there is not one good reason for it. There are
reasons, but none of them are good reasons.
Is it
chemical? Is it demonic? Is it constipation?
I cannot get
a grip on it at all.
I will have
a day which is ripe to be picked and plucked. Oozing fecundity. Blossoming with
perfume and warmth. And I cannot get out of my own way. I spoil it somehow.
I am not all
that worried about anything. I am not angry about much – in particular. I have
not been betrayed or disappointed or had my feelings hurt. So why and the hell
am I feeling this lousy?
I wonder out
loud. Walking around the room talking to myself. I complain that I worry too
much about what people think, and if they like me or not. I should be asking
myself if I in point of fact like them.
I question
my accomplishments. Have I made a mark? Have I made a real difference in
people’s lives? Will I be remembered?
Maybe it is
the creeping onset of age, and the permanently installed threat of death. I read
the obituaries fanatically, and see which of the dead are younger than me.
I just know
I cannot get it all done. Everything I had hoped to do and be. I am overwhelmed
by how fast the time went, and how the speed appears to be picking up. The
intimacy of “over and out” is just too damn close for comfort.
I dwell on how
I have been wronged in the past. I mull over in my mind how I should have
gotten even. I have composed whole speeches to address all the major wrongs and
wounds of my life.
I can be
such a diva.
I think it
might be the lack of appreciation shown. The obvious neglect. The failure to
affirm or acknowledge. My dwindling pride. My drained esteem. The fact that I
don’t think anyone notices anything I do, or hears what I say, or notices the
scowl on my face. The world is oblivious to me. The entire global population
has turned a blind eye to my state.
I get tired
of own complaints. This is now becoming pathetic. Irritating to the max. So
damn immature. What is wrong with me? How can I be in such a shitty place so
much of the time? Why IS sadness swarming about my head so often?
Then it
I catch a
whiff of lilacs. I eat a sticky bun. A rerun of Roseanne comes on and reminds
me of my first wife and her great laugh.
The snow
falls quietly. I say exactly what I mean. Someone thanks me for something I forgot
I did. I don’t binge eat all day(well, except the sticky bun, but oh well).
I feel a
Spring breeze caress my face. I take a hot shower. I read a book.
I watch a
sappy movie with my son and I try not to cry.
I think of
things to do. I call people. I do errands. I make plans. I get excited. I have
energy. I have no need for a nap. I even feel young.
How can this
Peaks and valleys.
and the funny pages.
Divas and
while celebrating life.
Laughing when
I can.
Feeling like an ass.
Oh, well.
So it goes.
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