Books By Pastor Bill

Bills early works were all plays. They were short, poetic and remarkably human. Each book explores our relationship to the bible and to our souls in impressively creative ways. These books have been out of print for a long time now, but you can find used copies available for cheap on amazon. 

Pastor Bill has done a lot of work with teenagers. It only makes sense that they would be the focus of much of his writing. He is an advocate for adolescents and very in touch with the issues they face.

 For years, Bill wrote Idiots Guide books on various spiritual subjects. These books are much more raw and intense and controversial than most would expect from an idiots guide. But anyone who knows Bill and his work, these books have all the heart and brains we have come to expect from him. Bishop Desmond Tutu wrote the introduction to THE LIFE OF CHRIST. It is easily his most popular book. 


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