Friday, February 7, 2014


1 :  to hit hard :  beat

2:  to plod (one's way) perseveringly especially against difficulty
intransitive verb
1:  to plod heavily :  tramp <slogged through the snow>

2:  to work hard and steadily :  plug
— slog·ger noun
Slogging. Hard steady work. When life confronts us with its difficulty. When days are brutally long or bitterly quick. When our soul aches more than our body. When we are afraid to take our eye off the prize, even when we have long since forgotten what is the prize.

Hard. Tough. Demanding. Why is that we have such a hard time admitting when our lives feel overwhelmed? Why do we have such a tough time acknowledging when we are burned out? What makes it so awful to claim that we are exhausted and weary to the bone?

Most of the time, like it or not, we are required to face many dreary days of never fulfilling our endless list of expectations. Many of our days will swarm with anxiety from dawn until dusk. In today’s modern world, we are bombarded by the message -- we are just never enough.

We are not good enough husbands or wives. Our parenting falls short – way short. As sons and daughters, we are often a huge disappointment. As brothers and sisters, we at times feel trapped in a Demolition Derby. We are not sexy or sexual enough. We lack the street smarts or the brains. We just don’t have the pzazz or “it factor”. We are, in short, severely limited. Just human.

For many of us, we have come to feel like we are taking an endurance test which nobody will pass. We are confident that we have never been called to anything important. We fret over the mistakes of the past, and worry ourselves sick about the future. We would not call ourselves a loser, but we certainly suspect we are a great distance from being a winner.

It is not my intention to offer a solution here. I cannot offer solutions, because slogging is not a problem. It is Life. Our lives. It is the reality of accepting Life on Life’s terms. We will have to slog through a good chunk of our lives. We will have to work hard to keep our heads above water, and our spirits aglow. 

Nobody goes through Life as a blazing torch. Most of us, much of the time, are just a dimly burning wick.

What I do wish to offer here is encouragement. Inspiration. Faith – not of the religious kind. Hope of the spiritual kind. Hope which can be actualized by just trying.

Slogging is required for maturing. It is the chief ingredient of dignity, and the foundation of integrity. Slogging is walking the walk. Slogging is how we pick up our crosses and follow. 

Slogging is embracing the fullness of our humanity. Slogging is seeing the divinity revealed in hard steady work.

Our culture is always belittling us. Making us feel inadequate, and shortchanged. We thereby tend to be endlessly self-critical, and thus, become judgmental of others. We are incessantly told that were we enough, our slogging days would be over. Well, this is just not true. Not for anyone, anywhere, or at any time.

Slogging is the name of the game of Life. It is the given of our existence. We not only must accept this spiritual fact, we must embrace it. We need to squeeze slogging dry of its meaning and message. We need to understand its immense value, and capacity to create worth out of next to nothing. When we can accept slogging, we can also accept that being just human is just enough.

Slogging may feel like marching in place in quicksand. However, if you look closely, you will see the steady movement of a soul seeking God. Inch by inch. Baby step by baby step. Like erosion. Like a Spring seed climbing up through the earth in order to bloom. Bit by bit. Moment by moment. Onward and upward.

Slogging is the movement of Life up to higher ground. The real good life. The process by which we become truly good people. Slogging is not a race with a checkered flag or trophy. Slogging is a walk with purpose. It is choosing to move, head out, and seek. It is finding our way to the Life and the God for which we yearn. Slogging is the longing to get home.

Slogging is never ever easy. It does indeed take blood, sweat, and tears. It requires a stiff upper lip. Fortitude and gratitude. It is a journey which will traverse lands of great sorrow and delightful joy. It is a pilgrimage of a kind. A pilgrimage which will require abundant prayer. A pilgrimage which will create a clean heart within us. A pilgrimage which will define us and offer us meaning.

Slogging is what takes us home to the soul. To the essence of our being, and the force of our doing. To the core of our spirit and the focus of our faith. Slogging knows the way back to black and white Kansas. Those of us who slog, had to abandon our Oz’s long ago, but we are wise to the truth -- there is no place like home.

Slogging, above all else, yields wisdom. The wisdom to know what does last. How we can bring heaven to earth. How we can make hope happen. How we can love our lives into loving. How we can forgive and forgive and forgive again. How we can be Sabbath for others and Grace for ourselves.

Slogging is nobody’s fool. Wise in the ways of the heart. A bleeding heart which is ready to lift up those below. A heart which bleeds with compassion, and care, and genuine concern. A heart sliced wide open by the hard steady work and pain of being alive.

Slogging, you see, is not only wise to the way back home, but how to make the leap of faith into the gracious arms of God as well. A God who has patiently waited for us at the door all along.

Slogging. Just good enough for God. Just good enough for us. Just plain good enough.

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